Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

6 Νοέμβριος 2016

Filed under: NOTES ON STORYBOARD — admin @ 06:09

01. the walt diseny strbrd

A storyboard is a sequence of images and words drawn together on a page to form a plausible narrative.

Storyboards are routinely used in the movie making business to ‘preview’ a movie before a single shot is taken. Not only does a storyboard allow for a dress rehearsal of the final product but by the very fact of being posted on the wall,it elicits early feedback and encourages quick, painless editing, leading to significant savings in time and resources.

Disney was a storyboarding freak!

A storyboard is an apt metaphor for how we make sense of our own life history. Storyboarding can be used to sense emergent patterns in our own life story and to envision the life experiences that we wish to welcome into our future.

Try storyboarding the past and future events in your Life!


Storyboard Inventor: Walter Elias Disney

02. strbrd and 3d space

—- mechanical flipbook

Mark Rosen and Wendy Marvel, Mechanical Flipbook. Photo by Luke Neve for Kinetica

[vimeo 48901714 w=500 h=281]

01 HORSEINMOTION from Wendy Marvel on Vimeo.
03.strboarding interactivity


the origins of storyboard are in the film history , where a series of panels roughly depicts snapshots from an intented film sequence in porder to get the idea across about the eventual scene. Similarly, for inreractive system design, the storyboards provide snapshots of interface at particular points in the interaction.

Evaluating customers or user imprassions of the storyboards can determine relatively quickly if the design is heading in the right direction.

students examples-

-movie svreen- theatre-tv
the perception of the scale- the tv-human scale-phycological implications-being with another.
-how the action happens in z axis.

story board 1////////////



5 Νοέμβριος 2016

Match moving



Camera Lucida – Roland Barthes Part I.

Filed under: ΚΕΙΜΕΝΑ — admin @ 10:34
Camera Lucida – Roland Barthes (σκοτεινός θάλαμος)
Part I.
What is Photography?

  • photography vs. cinema 
  • ontological investigation 
  • Classification (p.4) 
  • professional vs. amateur (empirical) 
  • landscape / objects / portraits / nudes (rhetorical) 
  • realism vs. pictorialism (aesthetic) 
  • “This” 
  • “A specific photographer is never distinguished from its referent.” (p.5) 
  • signifier/signified 
  • Language of the Expressive vs. Critical 

• “ . . . a desperate resistance to any reductive system.” (p.8)

The Photograph: to do / to undergo / to look

  • operator vs. spectator
  • simulacrum
  • chemical / optical / emotion?
    Ownership of the Photograph
  • subject becoming an object
  • death as subject
  • I like / I don’t like (p.18)
  • attached to a specific photograph, rather than a body of work
  • connected to “sentimental” reasons (phenomenal approach)
  • Studium 

• application to a thing / general enthusiasm without special acuity (p.26)
• “ . . . is that accident which pricks me” (punctuates; jumps out from the
Representation of the Dead
• Tableau Vivant (a representation of a scene by a group in appropriate
costume posing silent and motionless)

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Surprises (depicts)

  • rare
  • depicts something the normal eye cannot apprehend
  • prowess  Q??
  • “contortions of technique”
  • “trouvalle” or “lucky friend”
  • “ . . . the photograph becomes surprising when we do not know why it has been taken (p.34)
  • “A photograph cannot signify (aim at generality) except by assuming a
    mask.” (p.34)
  • “Ultimately, photography is subversive not when it frightens, repels or
    even stigmatizes, but when it is pensive, when it thinks.” (p.38)
    Unary (used to describe a mathematical operation that is applied to only one member of a set at a time, for example, squaring a number)

• “We photograph things in order to drive them out of our minds. My stories are a way of shutting my eyes.” – Kafka

Μια βίδα αιωρείται πάνω από τις γραμμές στο σταθμό των τρένων.

Filed under: Animation works,ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ-PROJECTS — admin @ 10:00


Filed under: identity,PHOTOGRAPHY WORKS,ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ-PROJECTS — admin @ 09:53
:same birth
different story

notes on sound art 01 (cohen)

Filed under: NOTES ON SOUND ART — admin @ 07:55


Filed under: NOTES ON SOUND ART — admin @ 07:48

4 Νοέμβριος 2016


Filed under: NOTES ON SOUND ART — admin @ 16:48


Filed under: NOTES ON SOUND ART — admin @ 16:39


Filed under: NOTES ON SOUND ART — admin @ 16:11

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