Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

25 Μαΐου 2015

Portfolio Reviews

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Portfolio Reviews

One-on-one with internationally acclaimed experts in the field of photography

Entry Deadline: 28 May, 2015
Dates: 8 & 9 June, 2015
The Athens Photo Festival’s Portfolio Reviews offer an opportunity for emerging artists and photographers to meet and engage with international experts in the field of photography. A total of 22 curators, editors, critics and festival’s directors from around the world gather in Athens to provide photographers with networking opportunities, and advice on their work and career development.

This year’s portfolio review programme will take place on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 June 2015, at the Benaki Museum in Athens. Each of the participants will have 6 appointments of their choice over two days. Each individual review session is 20 minutes long. Places are limited, so participants will be selected on first come first serve basis.

In addition to providing professional advice, the reviewers will award the “Best Portfolio” and the winner will have the chance to exhibit at the Athens Photo Festival 2016 edition.

Please check the reviewers list and submit your work online at

A. D. Coleman, Photography Critic and Author, USA
Caroline Hunter, Photo Editor at The Guardian – Weekend Magazine, UK
Christina Androulidaki, Director, CAN Gallery, Greece
Costis Antoniadis, Curator/Director, Ariadne Photo Gallery, Greece
Enrico Bossan, Creative Director at Fabrica, Director of Colors Magazine, Italy
Ericka Weidmann, Independent Artistic Director, Editor-in-Chief at L’Oeil de la Photographie, France
Frank Wagner, Curator of European Month of Photography Berlin, Germany
Constanze Wicke, Independent Curator, Germany
Gabriela Uhl, Curator, Fotohonap – Hungarian Month of Photography, Hungary
Jean-Luc Soret, Curator at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, France
Jim Casper, Editor/Publisher, Lens Culture, France
Kim Knoppers, Curator at FOAM (Photography Museum Amsterdam), Netherlands
Manik Katyal, Photo Editor and Editor-in-Chief, Emaho Magazine, India
Marion Hislen, Director/Curator of Festival Circulation(s), France
Michaela Bosakova, Curator at Central European House of Photography in Bratislava, Slovakia
Miha Colner, Curator, Photonic Moments in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Bas Mensink, Publisher & Director of GUP Magazine, Netherlands
Sophia Greiff, Curator, FotoDoks-Festival, Germany
Manolis Moresopoulos, Director/Curator of Athens Photo Festival, Greece
Stavros Petsopoulos, Publisher, Agra Editions, Greece
Thomas Licek, Managing Director, Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna, Austria
Vassilis Zidianakis, Artistic Director at Atopos Cultural Organization, Greece

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