Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

9 Απριλίου 2013

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 10:07

HMNYC 2013: Confronting Capital
April 26-28, 2013

New York University

Critical investigations into the present moment quickly reveal that the current crisis of capitalism shows no sign of abating. The failure of austerity to restore growth has sent ruling class politicians scrambling, as the assault of capital on all fronts of life—ecological, economic and social—grows exponentially. 
This is not without resistance however. From the ongoing Arab revolution, to Occupy and Greece, confrontations of capital and regimes of power continue to proliferate, push forth new political horizons and sustain influence on a global scale. 

HMNY 2013 is an intervention into the present to provide a theoretical space for debate and discussion, urgently needed on the left at this juncture. Moments like this are especially fertile for new looks at old debates, from the history of capitalism to new modes of resistance. HMNY 2013 will be a venue where figures representing the breadth of current leftist thought will convene to exchange ideas.

Historical Materialism (HM) is one the foremost journals of Marxian theory. HM’s London-based conferences have long drawn hundreds of scholars from around the world. Since 2006, North American HM conferences have been organized in Toronto and New York City (which will now alternate with bi-annual Spring conferences). HMNY 2013 will begin with a reception on the evening of Friday April 26th, and will take place on April 27th-28th at the New York University in downtown Manhattan. All participants are encouraged to stay for the whole duration of the conference.
The themes for this year’s conference will include:
  • politics of socialist planning and utopias
  • history and future of social democracy
  • political economy of capitalism
  • history of international communism
  • political philosophy of feminism
  • debt, austerity, and finance
  • critical geographies
  • ecology and climate change
  • law, punishment, and incarceration
  • queer studies and sexuality
  • theories of the state and politics
  • race and capital
  • empire and the third world
  • history of capital and labor
  • feminism and marxism
  • critical philosophy
  • socialist strategy today
  • education under capitalism
  • aesthetic ideologies
  • culture and the crisis
Submissions are closed. The deadline for the submission of abstracts was February 15, 2013.

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