Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

20 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 01:31

academic program.  ACT as an academic program continues the work of its predecessor, the Visual Arts Program (VAP) founded in 1989 by artist Ed Levine, and resides within the Department of Architecture. The Architecture Department oversees ACT, including faculty appointments and promotions, the administration of the graduate program and the graduate admissions process.  ACT also supports the undergraduate education curriculum of the Institute, offering GIR classes in art, HASS required and elective subjects in art, and offering a HASS Concentration and Minor. The program also offers electives for the Master of Architecture (MArch) program and conducts its own highly selective graduate program, the Master of Science in Art, Culture and Technology (previously SMVisS degree).

act courses have a strong focus on:

  • Dialogues in art, architecture, urbanism, and the production of space
  • Interventions in public spaces and the development of anti-monuments and new instruments of collective memory
  • Interrogative design, body wear and nomadic devices
  • Interfaces between visual art practices, the performative and the sonic
  • Experiments with truth – using photographic and time-based media to blur conventional boundaries between documentary and fiction
  • Art and Science / Science and Art – research-based artistic practices
Courses are t

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