Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

9 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 16:59

This film is the result of a series of connections created as part of my ongoing digital archive. The archive builds on seemingly random connections between objects, text, imagery and places.
‘The emperor of the moon’ is the final sentence from Norman Mailer’s book ‘The Fight’ (1975) It is also the name of a cruise ship that is listed as an entry in the ever expanding digital archive. This particular archive entry (the film) was created as a method of linking ‘Norman Mailer’ to the following entry ‘ships’.
Through using search engines a list was compiled of Norman Mailers best selling books:
  1. The Executioners Song
  2. The Fight
  3. The Naked and The Dead
  4. Why Are We At War?
  5. An American Dream
  6. Ancient Evenings
  7. Oswalds Tale
  8. Unholy Alliance
  9. The Castle in The Forest
  10. Harlots Ghost
  11. The Spooky Art
  12. The Deer Park
  13. The Gospel According to The Son
  14. Why Are We in Vietnam

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