Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

9 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 16:54    information design . Information diagram
Here we have archives to listen to, not to look at. Audio experience, different from the visuals, gives listeners a sense of embodiment. Exhibition space for art could be a white cube that isolates exhibition content from the outside like computer screen display does. The Web reaches homestead interiors the way household appliances or painting being introduced in the past. Replaying of Audio archive is assumed to invade sites and coexist with ambient sound, a sense of embodiment into receiver’s environment the way information infiltrates our daily living.
“Making Visible the Invisible” Dewey Data Research

“Making Visible the Invisible” is a data analysis project at the Seattle Public Library active from 2005 to 2014. During this period, the circulation of books and media leaving the library are analyzed and visually mapped on an hourly basis. Visualizing the statistical information about what titles and topics are circulating provides a real-time living picture of the community in which the library is situated.
 (Project Description)
2199 books out of 4031 items checked out at 15:00, 12.08.2012
[4031] Total items checked out
[1013] Dewey (non-fiction) Books
[1186] Non-Dewey (fiction) Books
[2199] Total Books
[1814] Media (dvd, cd, etc.)
[0018] Misc
Dewey Decimal Classification Graph
This map highlights current circulating books according to their Dewey classification category in Generalities [0-99]; Philosophy & Psychology[100-199]; Religion [200-299]; Social Science [300-399]; Language [400-499]; Natural Science & Mathematics [500-599]; Technology & Applied Sciences [600-699]; Arts [700-799]; Literature [800-899]; Geography & History [900-999]. 
Making Visible the Invisible, 2005-2014
Seattle Central Library, 6 LCD Screens on glass wall, 45″ x 24′

“Making Visible the Invisible” is a commission for the 
Seattle Central Library, situated in the Mixing Chamber, a large open 19,500 sq ft space dedicated to information retrieval and public accessible computer research.
The installation consists of 6 large LCD screens located on a glass wall horizontally behind the librarians’ main information desk. The screens feature real-time calculated animation visualizations generated by custom designed statistical and algorithmic software using data received each hour. This data consists of a list of checked-out items organized in chronological order. The item may be a book, a DVD, a CD, a VHS tape, etc. and from the list we can collect and aggregate titles, checkout time, catalog descriptors such as keywords, Dewey classification code if they are non-fiction items. There are approximately 22000 items circulating per day. Items with Dewey Decimal System labels provide for a way to get a perspective on what subject matters are of current interest at any given time as the Dewey system classifies all items according to 10 major categories: 000 Generalities; 100 Philosophy & Psychology; 200 Religion; 300 Social Science; 400 Language; 500 Natural Science & Mathematics; 600 Technology & Applied Sciences; 700 Arts; 800 Literature; 900 Geography & History. These are then subdivided into 100 segments. There are 4 visualizations at this time.

The circulation of checked out books and media transforms the library into a data exchange center. This flow of information can be calculated mathematically, analyzed statistically and represented visually. From a cultural perspective, the result may be a good indicator of what the community of patrons considers interesting information at any specific time. Visualizing the statistical information of the titles and their categories therefore provides a real-time living picture of what the

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