Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

11 Δεκεμβρίου 2012


Filed under: Notes — admin @ 06:54



Filed under: Notes — admin @ 05:24

ίσως πρέπει να οργανώσουμε μια βραδιά storytelling

που ο καθένας θα πει την ιστορία του με  ήχους +αφήγηση και δυο τρείς εικόνες!!???

video disorderations

Filed under: PERIPLANISI — Ετικέτες: , — admin @ 05:03


Filed under: PERIPLANISI — Ετικέτες: , — admin @ 04:51

Filed under: PERIPLANISI — Ετικέτες: , — admin @ 04:47

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 04:45


10 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 16:57

Version 2 was a live sculptural sound map of the bells of Big Ben, as a network of live microphones monitored the sound field of the bells. It was transmitted live to Tate Britain and to the BBC. It now exists as a 12 hour 8 channel recording.

default to public

interventions in the field of digital self-exposure and physical privacy using the example of twitter

“default to public” is a project dealing with the discrepancy between people’s feeling of privacy on the web and the physical world. It consists of an ongoing series of objects and interventions linking the physical world to the online world in unexpected and narrative ways to create awareness for self-exposure.

The three core elements of default to public cause irritating moments that neither condemn nor approve of the self-exposure; they are as neutral as twitter itself is, yet they make strong statements regarding the perception of private and public on the web and are intended to create reflection and communication on that topic. In times of rapid change concerning communication behaviour, media access and -competence, the project “default to public” wants to raise awareness for the possible effects on our lives and our privacy.

All three objects follow a simple, yet powerful principle: Information from the twitter network (standing for information on the web) are displayed in another public environment, the documentation of this process is fed back into the digital public sphere and the authors of the information are notified of that abduction. Two public spheres are temporarily linked, creating repercussions of communication in the digital public sphere, which seems to be regarded as less public than the physical world, although it has a far wider reach than classic media, plus it never expires or is written over.

Status panel, a classic awareness design piece, is enhancing the functionality of a well-known interface

Tweetleak, a monolithic anthracithe-colored pole, which is placed in a public place, aggregates tweets from nearby and “materializes” them. The collected fragments from people’s lives on the web leave the digital public space on adhesive paper strips.

Tweetscreen is a networked projection/installation in public space, showing “tweets”, which have been written near its own physical location on a large projection screen, transferring them to a medium, widely received als “public”

ECDHELON Teufelsberg ist eine akusmatische Komposition, die weitgehend auf Vor-Ort-Aufnahmen innerhalb der verlassenen Spionageeinrichtung Teufelsberg basiert. Das Stück will sowohl den speziellen akustischen Charakter des Ortes — vor allem seiner großen Radarkuppel — erforschen, als auch dessen intime und fast metaphysische Natur, in der Mythen und Legenden des 20. Jahrhunderts nachhallen.
Hier treffen sich ein klangwissenschaftlicher und ein literarischer Ansatz auf eine Weise, die diese unterschiedlichen Zugänge unkenntlich macht. Der Teufelsberg ist ein künstlicher Hügel, erbaut nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus dem Schutt des zerstörten Berlin, und stellt den höchsten Punkt der Stadt dar. Die amerikanische National Security Agency NSA hat auf dem Hügel einen ihrer größten Horchposten errichtet, von dem gerüchteweise verlautet, er sei Teil des globalen ECHELON-Spionagenetzwerks gewesen, das Funksprüche noch tief in der Sowjetunion auffangen sollte. Die Basis wurde in den frühen 1990er Jahren aufgegeben.
Die Haupt-Radarkuppel des verlassenen Teufelsberger SIGINT ist eine faszinierende akustische Umgebung: Sie besteht aus Glasfiber-Sechsecken mit einem Betonboden. Innerhalb des Raums gibt es einen sagenhaften Nachhall von 20 Sekunden ebenso wie eine sehr komplexe Anordnung von stark räumlich ausgerichteten Echos. Dauer, Verzögerung, Richtung, Intensität und Spektrum dieser Echos wechseln dramatisch von Ort zu Ort innerhalb der Kuppel.

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 16:44

Η… αγάπη τους για τα ποδήλατα τούς οδήγησε στις χειροπέδες

Στα χέρια της Αστυνομίας έπεσαν το πρωί του Σαββάτου στη Γλυφάδα δύο αλλοδαποί, κατηγορούμενοι γα κλοπή ενός ποδηλάτου από σπίτι της περιοχής.
Πρόκειται για έναν 28χρονο Παλαιστίνιο και έναν 20χρονο Αιγύπτιο, οι οποίοι σύμφωνα με την αστυνομία, έκλεβαν συστηματικά ποδήλατα αξίας που εντόπιζαν σε εισόδους, κλιμακοστάσια, πάρκινγκ και πυλωτές σπιτιών σε περιοχές των νοτίων προαστίων.
Όπως εξακριβώθηκε οι δύο συλληφθέντες έχουν διαπράξει, κατά το τελευταίο εξάμηνο 47 κλοπές ποδηλάτων από οικίες στις περιοχές Γλυφάδας, Βούλας, Βουλιαγμένης, Ηλιούπολης, Αλίμου και Ελληνικού.
Ο συλληφθέντες οδηγήθηκαν στον κ. Εισαγγελέα Πλημμελειοδικών Αθηνών, ενώ ερευνάται η συμμετοχή του και σε άλλες παρόμοιες αξιόποινες πράξεις.
Σχετικές Ειδήσεις στο

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 13:43

from Critical Issues in Electronic Media edited by Simon Penny
Plagiarism has long been considered an evil in the cultural world. Typically it has been viewed as the theft of language, ideas, and images by the less than talented, often for the enhancement of personal fortune or prestige. Yet, like most mythologies, the myth of plagiarism is easily inverted. Perhaps it is those who support the legislation of representation and the privatization of language that are suspect; perhaps the plagiarist’s actions, given a specific set of social conditions, are the ones contributing most to cultural enrichment. Prior to the Enlightenment, plagiarism was useful in aiding the distribution of ideas. An English poet could appropriate and translate a sonnet from Petrarch and call it his own. In accordance with the classical aesthetic of art as imitation, this was a perfectly accept able practice. The real value of this activity rested less in the reinforcement of classical aesthetics than in the distribution of work to areas where otherwise it probably would not have appeared. The works of English plagiarists, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spenser, Sterne, Coleridge, and De Quincey, are still a vital part of the English heritage, and remain in the literary canon to this day.
At present, new conditions have emerged that once again make plagiarism an acceptable, even crucial strategy for textual production. This is the age of the recombinant: recombinant bodies, recombinant gender, recombinant texts, recombinant culture. Looking back through the privileged frame of hindsight, one can argue that the recombinant has always been key in the development of meaning and invention; recent extraordinary advances in electronic technology have called attention to the recombinant both in theory and in practice (for example, the use of morphing in video and film). The primary value of all electronic technology, especially computers and imaging systems, is the startling speed at which they can transmit information in both raw and refined forms. As information flows at a high velocity through the electronic networks, disparate and some times incommensurable systems of meaning intersect, with both enlightening and inventive consequences. In a society dominated by a “knowledge” explosion, exploring the possibilities of meaning in that which already exists is more pressing than adding redundant information (even if it is produced using the methodology and metaphysic of the “original”). In the past, arguments in favor of plagiarism were limited to showing its use in resisting the privatization of culture that serves the needs and desires of the power elite. Today one can argue that plagiarism is acceptable, even inevitable, given the nature of postmodern existence with its techno-infrastructure. In a recombinant culture, plagiarism is productive, although we need not abandon the romantic model of cultural production that privileges a model of ex nihilo creation. Certainly in a general sense the latter model is somewhat anachronistic. There are still specific situations where such thinking is useful, and one can never be sure when it could become appropriate again. What is called for is an end to its tyranny and to its institutionalized cultural bigotry. This is a call to open the cultural database, to let everyone use the technology of textual production to its maximum potential.
Ideas improve. The meaning of words participates in the
improvement. Plagiarism is necessary. Progress Implies
it. It embraces an author’s phrase, makes use of his
expressions, erases a false Idea, and replaces it with the
right idea.

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 13:42
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