Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

14 Δεκεμβρίου 2012


Filed under: ISME- THE CIRCLE OF LIFE — admin @ 07:17

                                                                                            1440Χ1080 25fps


Filed under: ISME- THE CIRCLE OF LIFE — admin @ 07:16

*τιθεται ένα θέμα στροφής της ιδέας διότι:

1oν δεν μπορώ να κάνω σύνδεση στο μυαλό μου των σπασιμάτων του ποτηριού σε αυτά τα shots που έχω ποσταρει παραπάνω με την ιδέα του θανάτου.

2ον. είναι δυσκόλο να υπάρξει καθαρά η εννοια του θανατου μέσα απο μερικά τετοια πλάνα σε μια προβολη και παρακολουθηση απο ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν επαφή με το αντικείμενο, εκτός και αν όλοι οι θεατες εκείνη τη στιγμή διαβαζουν το booklet που θα λεει οτι είναι “αυτό”.

3ον μετά το περας της εξεταστικής , τωρα βρεθηκε ο χρονος να παιδέψω τα αρχεία μου,

4ον. υπήρχε αρκετη πίεση στο φετινο εξάμηνο, όσοι ειναι μεγάλα εξάμηνα το καταλαβαίνουν…

5ον λόγω σοβαρών τεχνικών προβληματων με τα software που εμπλέκονται αποφάσισα να δοκιμάσω μια εξολοκλήρου καινουρια σκηνή με καινουριο μοντελο ποτηριου κτλ διοτι τα παλιά αντιμετωπιζουν προβλήματα και δεν μπορω να αντλησω πλέον διαφορετικα πλανα και renderings με το προηγουμενο μοντελο ποτηριου.

Θα προσπαθήσω να χρησιμοποιήσω μονο μια σκηνη πλάνων αυτη τη φορά και λίγο πιο ακαθόριστη κίνηση στην καμερα (αντιμετωπιζω ηδη προβλημα με αυτο το σκελος) μιας και των υπόλοιπων παιδιων η ιδεα και η υλοποιήση κινείται σε πιο εννοιολογικά επιπεδα.Κανω υπερανθρωπη προσπαθεια να ολοκληρωσω αυτο που εχω στο μυαλό μου ζοριζοντας ηδη 2 μηχανηματα (PC) για να βγει εις περας.

ευχαριστω για την κατανοηση.

update: Ένα μικρό δείγμα ακόμα απ την ίδια σκηνή.

update: Δυστυχώς δεν μπορώ να παραμείνω στην Φλώρινα περισσότερες μέρες και αναγκαστικά ολοκλήρωσα με τα μέχρι ώρας renderings. Δεν μπορώ να επεξεργαστω αλλού τα αρχεία μου λόγω ελλειψής υπολογιστικής ισχύος-hardware και μη συμβατό softaware.

Επίσης τα renderings ήταν σε ανάλυση 1280×720 οπότε δεν ξέρω τι απώλεια θα έχουν στην προβολή. Δεν είχα την άνεση να χρησιμοποιήσω πιο υψηλές ρυθμίσεις, και έκανα ότι καλύτερο μπορούσα για την ποιότητα της εικόνας.
Τελευταίο, εάν παρατηρηθεί μια τάση επανάληψης, είναι διότι δεν υπήρχε δυνατότητα για περισσότερες λήψεις. Είχε σεταριστεί ένα πλάνο ακόμα, το οποίο όμως αφαιρέθηκε διότι ο χρόνος που απαιτούνταν για να παραχθούν τα frames ήταν 420 περίπου ώρες επιπλέον. Με δεδομένο ότι δουλεύω 2 μηχανήματα στα όρια τους μια βδομάδα είμαι σχεδόν ικανοποιημένος απ το αποτέλεσμα.
Ελπίζω να ανταποκρίνεται στις προσδοκίες…

Τελικό λοιπόν (έχει γίνει export σε μορφή .mpg και ανάλυση 1440χ1080)

Το blog τρωει την ανάλυση όταν ανεβάζουμε εδώ τα βίντεο και δεν έχω καμία πρόθεση να το ανεβάσω στο youtube για ευνόητους λόγους, οπότε στέλνω το τελικό αρχείο μέσω του site που πρότεινε ο κύριος Μπούζας στο μέιλ του. 


Filed under: PERIPLANISI — Ετικέτες: — admin @ 06:45


Filed under: houses — admin @ 06:44


Filed under: PERIPLANISI — Ετικέτες: — admin @ 06:37



3D WORKSHOP 14/1-17/1



7-8-9/1        Ε10
14-15-16/1  Ε 11
21-22-23     Ε12
28-29-30     Ε13

13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

mare mar

Filed under: Notes,ΛΑΙΚΗ — admin @ 17:49
………………………………the intentionally problematic nature of beauty and seduction as well as works by fellow artists and architectural masterpieces such as Renaissance palaces………………………………..


Filed under: Notes — admin @ 13:43



Filed under: Notes — admin @ 08:16

Ellsworth Kelly

Ellsworth Kelly, evading critical attempts to classify him as a Color Field, hard-edge, or Minimalist painter, has redefined abstraction in art, establishing himself through his drawings, paintings, sculptures, and prints as one of the most important artists working today. Kelly’s visual vocabulary is drawn from observation of the world around him—shapes and colors found in plants, architecture, shadows on a wall or a lake—and has been shaped by his interest in the spaces between places and objects and between his work and its viewers. He has said, “In my work, I don’t want you to look at the surface; I want you to look at the form, the relationships.”

Kelly (born 1923) has been the subject of major exhibitions at The Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and his work is in many public collections, including those of the Centre Pompidou, Paris, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, and Tate Modern, London. Kelly lives and works in Spencertown, New York.

<img alt="Purple Relief over Black 2002 Oil on canvas, two joined panels 80 x 77 1/2 x 2 5/8 inches; 203 x 197 x 7 cm” src=”” /><img alt="Red Black White 2004 Oil on canvas, three joined panels 84 1/4 x 59 inches; 214 x 150 cm” src=”” style=”background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px;” /><img alt="Dark Blue Relief 2008 Oil on canvas, two joined panels 80 x 80 inches; 203 x 203 cm” src=”” style=”background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px;” /><img alt="Yellow Relief over Red 2004 Oil on canvas, two joined panels 80 x 83 x 2 3/4 inches; 203 x 211 x 7 cm” src=”” style=”background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px;” /><img alt="Blue Tablet 1962 Oil on canvas, two joined panels 92 x 92 x 4 1/2 inches; 234 x 234 x 12 cm” src=”” style=”background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px;” /><img alt="Untitled 2005 Painted stainless steel and aluminum 26 x 16 x 6 feet; 8 x 5 x 2 meters” src=”” style=”background-color: transparent; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px;” />

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 07:38



I scanned the yard of one of the most spectacular abandoned homes I had ever seen. It was a large two story home, most likely built sometime in the 50s or 60s. It had a large cement porch which stood high off the ground and wrapped around the front and left side of the house. There was a large stone archway at the top of the cement steps to the porch. Most of the floors were wood, but towards the back of the house several storage rooms had cement floors with large rocks mortared into a dimly lit wall. In the corner of one of the rooms a huge cylindrical pit plunged into the ground. It looked 15 feet deep, but the water in the bottom made it hard to tell.
I fell in love with that house the instant I saw it, and was immediately determined to do a painting in a room with three large square windows facing north, east, and west. It was almost perfect, but it was in a slightly more populated area than my usual haunt, the Salton Sea, and not all the neighbors were happy to see me.
Shortly after beginning work on the painting an irritated voice tumbled across the yard in the wind. The neighbor to the left of the house had heard me nailing a small board into place over one of the windows, and had begun yelling at me to leave. He was a squat man with long brown hair spilling over his shoulders in a tangled mud slide. His arms were draped over a short chain-link fence, and his pot belly pressed through the squares below. It encircled his small mobile home, and was the only thing standing between me and his dirty-white pit bull. I stood in the large square window, six feet off the ground, and yelled back, “Hang on! I’ll be right there.”
I bounded out the front door, down the steps, through the dried weeds of the front yard, and over several ravines that had cut through it by long forgotten rain. When I got there I breathlessly explained that I didn’t mean any harm, and I wasn’t there to party or tear things apart; I was just working on a photography project and asked if he knew who owned the home.
“Well it’s private property.”
“Yes, but do you have any idea who owns it? Again, I’m not here to cause trouble.”
“I don’t know who owns it. Look, man, I totally understand the creative process; I’m an agent for a band. So I understand you want to do your thing and all, but I’m trying to relax over here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make noise. That must have been annoying.”
“Yes, it was.” He looked like an upset child.
“I’ll be done by tomorrow, and I’ll be quiet, I promise.”
After a few more rounds of this conversation he relented and agreed not to call the cops.
Other, more swarmy neighbors stationed in the floor above the entry way were also less than thrilled with my presence, and they made their displeasure known by promptly stinging me. I hadn’t even been paying attention when it happened the first time. I was standing still in the yard looking down at my cell phone, punching in numbers to calculate how many pictures I would be taking over the next several hours, when I felt a sharp poisoned ass penetrate my forearm. This fucker had gone completely out of its way to attack another animal that had shown no aggression whatsoever, dying in the process. It made no goddamn sense! I felt a pang of injustice, and muttered something about the Geneva Conventions, Nazi-bees and war crimes.
I didn’t think much of it until the swelling became so intense that it reached all the way down to my fingers. I sent a cell phone picture to my surgeon uncle, but he just told me to wait it out. Stings in the past had never produced such a dramatic effect, and I started becoming paranoid that I might have developed an allergy. It wound up taking days for my fat-man hands to go away.
Not all the neighbors were so surly. Directly in front of the house was Rick’s Roadside Café. Rick himself was there to greet me the first time I entered booming, “Hello! I’m Rick, and this is my Roadside Café. I recommend the Rick Burger!” Laughing, I shook his hand, and asked about the house. He told me it had been abandoned for 20 years, and that he had no idea who owned it. Occasionally high school students went there to get high, and the cops had to kick them out, but other than that he figured it was all mine. I thanked him for the help and ordered The Rick Burger, which turned out to be delicious black magic on a bun; the best burger I’ve ever tasted.
The painting I was working on was a massive optical illusion. It covered a third of the room, including the ceiling, and consisted of 154 squares, which had been painted on a three-dimensional surface, but appeared to the camera as flat. It was an abstraction of a NASA diagram which predicted the single greatest piece of evidence we have for the Big Bang: cosmic background radiation. I loved that the prediction diagram was so neat and symmetrical, and the diagram of the actual evidence was so chaotic and messy. It was a successful theory with measurable evidence in nature, but it made me think that even when humans are right, we’re still kind of wrong. I couldn’t deny that I was personally attracted to the more symmetrical image, which is why I chose to paint it. Like most people I tend to breathe a sigh of relief when things are easy to understand and interpret, even if unconsciously. It struck me as both amazingly wondrous, holy shit, the big bang is real!, and slightly comical look how perfect we thought it would be. It also spoke to the mystery of existence itself, and the hidden realities all around us.
    Despite my promises to the neighbor with the bulldog, it took four days to setup, and another three days to paint with the help of my “assistants,” Stephanie (my girlfriend) and Chad (a documentary filmmaker who had been following me).
    I recorded the painting process with stop motion and time lapse photography, but I wanted to go a step further and make the shot move after the painting was completed. I envisioned the end result as a video clip where the camera would move out the right window, rotate around three quarters of the house, down through a scary-ass root cellar, and back up through broken floor boards. The final camera view would be looking at the original painting, but behind the room in which it was painted. From this vantage you could easily see the slanted and asymmetrical build of the room I had painted. I wanted it to look like a smoothly gliding camera shot made by unaffordable (to me) Hollywood equipment. To accomplish this I shot each frame one photograph at a time, and moved the tripod a short distance between each shot. Since I had to go out the window right next to the beehive, I planned to do the shot at night while those murderous little fuckers had murderous little bee fucker dreams. Fuckers.
    On the evening of my grand plan, my eighth and final day working on the painting, the neighbor with the pit bull began yelling at me again. This time when I went over to his fence he told me he knew the owners and that he was watching the house for them. Amused, I asked him to put me in contact with them. After grumbling some unintelligible response I told him it was my very last night there. I apologized for things taking longer than I had anticipated and promised I’d really be out of his hair this time if he gave me just one more night. He wouldn’t budge. He told me I couldn’t be there, and I needed to leave before he called the cops. The thought of having to cut the project short after so much work made me sick to my stomach. He said the problem wasn’t me so much as it was my presence, which indicated to random passersby that it was okay to just go in there all willy-nilly, take a nice big hit of PCP, and murder hookers. I was starting to panic and did the only thing I could think of: plead, beg, and ask over and over. Despite his repeated insistence that I leave, I wore him down. After a lengthy exchange he finally said, “Okay, but you can’t be here after tonight.” Feeling an immense amount of relief I turned and walked to the front yard to resume work, and was promptly stung without reason. Again.
    I immediately shot a guilty look at the neighbor’s house, but thankfully he had already retreated to the opulent interior of his doublewide. If I become short of breath I might be able to drive to the fire station several
    miles down the road, and if I die it will be doing something I love, I reasoned. It was the fourth sting. I knew my arm would soon swell to at least twice its original size, but I had no choice. I pondered the possibility of a heart attack. Why else would it swell so much? I was all alone with a very long night ahead, but I wasn’t inclined to throw in the towel. I headed back into the house, ducking under the swarming bees on the porch. I put the camera on the tripod and a fresh piece of ice from the cooler on my arm, and I went to work.
    I waited until 9 pm when the stars were out and bees were not before I started moving the tripod. At first it was easy; I was angling sideways towards the right window, moving across the flat cement floor of the room, but by the time I got there I knew I was in trouble. The bottom of the window was a full six feet off the ground. I had planned to go out the side of the window, and then circle around the front of the house. The camera was on a mini-tripod in the room, and would be transitioned to one I had borrowed from my documentarian, Chad, which was setup outside the window. Chad’s tripod was fully extended at every joint, but was still a couple feet shy of the necessary height. I scrambled to find items to place under each leg to make up for the difference. Luckily there were several dresser drawers scattered around on the first floor. They covered two of the three legs. I used several gallons of stacked paint cans to elevate the third. It was difficult getting the drawers to sit flat on the ground in the weeds and brush covering the yard, but eventually I prevailed, and began my transition out of the window. It was so high that I couldn’t reach the controls of the camera from the ground, so I stood on a step ladder and braced myself against the side of the building with my foot to look through the viewfinder. I had to get the camera to a manageable height, so with every movement around the front of the house I lowered the tripod by the width of two of my fingers. I knew it wasn’t very exact, but I figured if I did it the same way every time it might be consistent enough to pass.
    Once I got the tripod off the drawers and paint cans the movements became a lot easier, but I was breathing hard from straining to see through the viewfinder and adjusting the tripod so many times. The terrain was still very rough and uneven, and I had to adjust the tripod and camera with each shot. I couldn’t take a break, because it would make the movement of the shadows, cast by a glorious half-moon, inconsistent as I moved around the house. Making the transition out of the window had taken several hours and already I could feel the blood pumping through my body. The sting on my arm was swelling at a fantastic rate. It filled the inside sleeve of the light army jacket I was wearing, stretching the fabric tight around my bicep and forearm. I was turning into a walking sausage and had gone only a small fraction of the total distance. 


    Filed under: Notes — admin @ 06:59

    File:SPD logo.svg

    Seduction, Sexuality and Sin

    Red by a large margin is the color most commonly associated with seduction, sexuality, eroticism and immorality, possibly because of its close connection with passion and with danger.[96]
    Red was long seen as having a dark side, particularly in Christian theology. It was associated with sexual passion, anger, sin, and the devil,.[97] In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Book of Isaiah said: “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.”[98] In the New Testament, in the Book of Revelations, the Antichrist appears as a red monster, ridden by a woman dressed in scarlet, known as the Whore of Babylon:
    “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: “And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of all the abominations of the earth: And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.[99]
    Satan is often depicted as colored red and/or wearing a red costume in both iconography and popular culture.[100] By the 20th century, the devil in red had become a folk character in legends and stories. In 1915, Irving Berlin wrote a song, At the Devil’s Ball, and the devil in red appeared more often in cartoons and movies than in religious art.
    In 17th century New England, red was associated with adultery. In the 1850 novel by Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet Letter, set in a Puritan New England community, a woman is punished for adultery with ostracism, her sin represented by a red letter ‘A’ sewn onto her clothes.[101]
    Red is still commonly associated with prostitution. Prostitutes in many cities were required to wear red to announce their profession, and houses of prostitution displayed a red light. Beginning in the early 20th century, houses of prostitution were allowed only in certain specified neighborhoods, which became known as red-light districts. Large red-light districts are found today in Bangkokand Amsterdam.
    In Roman Catholicism, red represents wrath, one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
    In both Christian and Hebrew tradition, red is also sometimes associated with murder or guilt. with “having blood on one’s hands,” or “being caught red-handed.”[102][103]
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