Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

7 Απριλίου 2013

Filed under: Notes — admin @ 15:30

Stop Obeying! | Resistant Checklist by Lebbeus Woods

Resist whatever seems inevitable.
Resist people who seem invincible.
Resist any idea that contains the word algorithm.
Resist the idea that architecture is a building.
Resist the idea that architecture can save the world.
Resist the hope that you’ll get that big job.
Resist buying an automobile of any kind.
Resist people who are satisfied.
Resist getting big jobs.
Resist taking the path of least resistance.
Resist the growing conviction that They are right.
Resist the idea that you need a client to make architecture.
Resist people who tell you to resist.
Resist writing what They wish you would write.
Resist assuming that the locus of power is elsewhere.
Resist any idea that equates architecture and ownership.
Resist the thought that life is simple, after all.

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