Selected Courses on Digital Art-UOWM

30 Οκτωβρίου 2016

ΚΕΙΜΕΝΑ 4/5d elements

Filed under: — vasilys @ 09:29
4D Elements
• Context
• Method

Image Elements • light & color• 2D space• 3D space• time / motion• sound

• Elements
Light shadow –

• spatial orientation• tactile orientation
• chiaroscuro (Caravaggio / Rembrandt)

Color • hue • saturation (chroma) • value (brightness)
• primary / secondary
• additive / subtractive

o Aspect Ratio
• 4 – 3 (TV / classic movie)
• 16 – 9 (HDTV)
• 1.85 – 1 (Widescreen)

o 2D
• horizontal (x axis)
• vertical (y axis)
• diagonal
• edges (magnetism)
• figure / ground
• gestalt : form (perceptual whole)
• vector: leads our eyes from one point to another
• proportion
• golden section
• Pythagoras
• The Modular (Le Corbusier)

o 3D
• Z Axis (depth)
• projecting 3D space onto a plane
• overlapping planes (Giotto, Persian painting)
• relative size

o storyboard (sequences)
• looking at an event
• looking into an event
• creating an event

• 4D – Time

o Motion
• implied
• simulated

o Types
• objective
• subjective
• biological
• past / present / future

o Film vs. TV
• basic structural unit of film is the frame
• basic structural unit of TV is an image in motion

o Z axis motion
• perceived object speed
• wide angle lens (greater change)
• narrow angle lens
• slow motion / accelerated motion

(Ref. Sergei Eisenstein: Film Form & Film Sense)

o Time
• clock
• running
• sequence
• scene
• shot
• story
• pace
• rhythm

• 5D: Sound

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